DSG Mechatronic Control Module

The Direct Shift Gearbox is fitted to a wide range of VW, Audi and Skoda vehicles. These gearbox’s often fault at around 80 -100,000 km requiring the DSG Mechatronics controller to be rebuilt.
We can undertake a repair and rebuild of the ECU, saving you thousands of dollars on new parts.
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Removing DSG Gearbox ECU (mechatronic control module)
Removal of your DSG gearbox ECU should only be carried out by a qualified technician.
Always make sure that no dirt can enter the open gearbox.
In particular, dirt entering an exposed mechatronic unit for a direct shift gearbox -J743- and/or oil pump can lead to gearbox failure.
Ensure when packaging your mechatronic control module for shipping that the sender arm is well protected, if the arm is damaged in transit it will also render the whole control module beyond repair.
– Move selector lever to position “P” position.
– With ignition switched off, disconnect battery
– Remove noise insulation If present:
– Remove connecting hose between charge air cooler and charge air pipe – Unbolt wiring retainer from front of gearbox cover (2 nuts M6).
– Release mechatronic unit connector by turning and pull off connector.
– Raise lines near cover and tie.
– Place used oil collection unit under gearbox.
– Remove bolt -A- near pendulum support.
To gearbox manufacture date “20 September 2004”, gearboxes were constructed with two plugs.
A plastic overflow tube (with 8 mm hexagon socket head bolt, torque setting 3 Nm) is located in this hole. Its length determines the oil level in the gearbox. – Remove this oil pipe.
About 5.0 litres of oil will run out. Used oil and extraction unit should remain under gearbox.
– Screw overflow tube back in, 3 Nm.
– Loosen bolts -arrows- of cover diagonally and remove.
– Guide cover past starter bolt.
– Remove cover and seal.
Small cover of oil pump and bolts of large cover must always be renewed.
Likewise, seal of large cover must be renewed.
– Remove oil pump cover -A-.
– Carefully release connector of gearbox input speed sender -G182- with oil temperature sender in multi-plate clutch – G509- using a small screwdriver -1- and carefully lever out at the same time with a second screwdriver -2-.
Take the utmost care. The fastener of the connector can break. If this should happen, renew the sender.
Do not pull on line!
– Pull off connector.
– Remove line from retaining lugs
– Loosen securing bolts -1- through -10- in the given order and remove.
The pendulum support can be removed to make space for removing the mechatronic unit.
This allows the gearbox to be pushed back a little.
– Pull mechatronic unit far enough out of gearbox housing so that sender arm -B- on back is no longer in gearbox housing.
When handling mechatronic unit, pay special attention to the “long” sender arm.
– Carefully swing mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743- downwards.